プリタム・グルン先生 (Dr. Pritam, Gurung)
It’s been 5 years long journey completed. I would like to express my heart full gratitude to Dr Ohnishi sensei for providing golden opportunity in Ohnishi Neurological Center (ONC). It was great platform for me.
Initially it was bit overwhelming for me as whole culture, language and system was new to me. But kind, humble and helpful nature of people in Japan made me feel comfortable. Now I am aware of the system and culture of Japan. This place has become my second hometown.
My desire of becoming a Neurosurgeon is coming into reality. With each passing time I am learning new things in Neurosurgery. The new method and techniques that I am learning in ONC is improving my skills and confidence.
I have been regularly participating in the different neurosurgical academic activities including conference, workshop, observatioship, cadaver course from past 5 years as a resident of Neurosurgery in Japan. This has really helped me to enhance my capacity and gain lot of knowledge in neurosciences. Apart from medical study I got the opportunity to learn about Japanese culture and life style. The diversity of this island nation,blessed with natural beauty can be felt when one travels through this places.
After I go back to my country I will dedicate my full time for the people who need neurosurgical care utilizing the knowledge and skills I learned in ONC.
Finally, I am really very grateful to whole ONC team and Dr Ohnishi Hideyuki(chairperson of ONC) in particular for this wonderful opportunity which is not only helping for my professional growth but also for my personal development. I would also like to apologise for many mistakes I have done during my stay in Japan.
As everybody know Nepal is country of many panoromic Himalayas including Mount Everest. Please come to Nepal anytime. I am always there for you. Please come Nepal during Nepal Japan Neurosurgical Conferences (NJNC) and other international neurosurgical conferences. Thank you so much. Sayonara!!.
当初は、文化、言語、システム全体が私にとって新しいものだったので、私は圧倒していました。しかし、日本の皆さんの親切で謙虚な姿勢は、私を快適に感じさせてくれました。 今、私は日本の制度と文化を知り得ることができました。この場所は私の2番目の故郷になりました。
いつでもネパールに来てください。 私はいつでも訪問を歓迎します。ネパール日本脳神経外科カンファレンス(NJNC)やその他の国際脳神経外科カンファレンスでネパールに来てください。皆様、お元気でお過ごしください。本当にありがとうございました。 サヨナラ。
いろいろ おせわに なりました。またよろしくおねがいいたします。